Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Are One

Our final Tuesday in Pommern began as most of them do with porridge, toast, bananas, and a morning meeting with Edward.  Several people headed off shortly after for their final day of teaching at the Pommern Secondary School and at the Roman Catholic Pre-Primary School.  Others went to finish typing exams and a few ventured to help at the clinic with hopes of weighing some African babies.  Shortly after leaving, both groups came back to the Mission House – the doors were locked at the computer lab and there was no work to be done at the clinic (and no babies).

Some went for walks while others enjoyed reading books and reflecting on our time so far in Pommern.  Jacklin and Jen were finally able to have the Father bless their jewelry and rosary.  Lunch was served and we all remembered Ting as we ate the last of his Chinese version of Spam.  After lunch, groups went their different ways – some to type, some to teach, and others just to explore.  Ashleigh P. and I searched and searched for Mama Kinte, Edward’s wife, to invite her for our last supper, but she was nowhere to be found.  Later on, a group walked up to the Quiet Bar and enjoyed beer and Pepsi and spent time together.

After eating dinner, Dr. Elton came to speak to us all about the clinic and the health issues he has seen in Pommern.  We were able to ask many questions and were not stopped even when the generator failed.  As our time as Global Volunteers comes to an end, we are all striving to end it in a positive way while still remembering “We are one.”
