Monday, June 25, 2012

Settling In

After our night's rest at the Lutheran compound we met for breakfast for our first African Dunkin Donut as well as French toast. We were welcomed at the ELCT Diocesan Center and the long history of Global Volunteer's relationship with the Diocese was recalled for us as well as what deeply rooted challenges remain for Tanzania.

After arranging a weekend safari and Internet use we began the journey over rugged terrain and equally rugged roads to reach Pommern in the early afternoon. We met our wonderful cook Mama Tony and had our first meal.

We chose our rooms, settled in, went for walks and began our acclimation to the Mission House a 100+ year old structure which in itself is a miracle.

After dinner we enjoyed a "campfire" experience and began to deepen our relationships. Plumbing problems developed, which were mopped up by Moses our lodge attendant and are able to be solved tomorrow. Also tomorrow, we begin a long orientation process to prepare us for our work with the local citizens of Pommern.

We have been blessed to be with a fabulous mix of backgrounds, ages, and experiences which will, I feel, blend into a memorable experience for all.

We await tomorrow!