Wednesday, February 22, 2012

“ Treat others as you would like to de treated”

Edward came to breakfast this morning with bas news. His wife’s father passed away and he had to leave to travel to Kilimanjaro with his family. We all wish him and his family safe travel and our condolences. Our hearts go out to him. Pole However, as always he took care of us. He took Jessica to the clinic, myself to the secondary school and got Stephen going with Moses. I will do my best to describe what we each did. While at the clinic with Dr Elton Jessica saw a great many things, she watched tooth extractions with screaming patients, and children coming in with common colds. Jessica was impressed by the things Dr. Elton is able to do despite a severe lack of instruments and ability to properly sterilize. I was amazed at how well 80 students are able to behave and learn in single classroom and how respectful they are to their teachers. l also noticed that despite living worlds away, teaching strategies are very similar to those in the US and the learning going on is similar to the US, if not better. After morning work we had lunch. Mama Tony made us these eggs with frenchfries cooked into them, They were great! It started to down poor, but I still felt, we should do something in the afternoon so I got Moses to get some tolls so we could dig. We covered an undergrad pipe and sang the “Jambo Bwana” song “A group of student were headed to watchJessica and I went with them. Harrison was there . He introduce us and translated, they were repenting for sins and talking about fasting and helping the community The music they sang was beautiful. When we returned Steven was napping after he fixed his battery operated radio which Moses loved. Jessica , Mohammed and I played Hackle sac and when we tired of that we got a volleyball out.