Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday, 23 January 2009

“Anyone who has not made a mistake has never tried anything new.” Albert Einstein

Yesterday, after a breakfast of porridge, French Toast, and bananas, Haran had a summation meeting because Dave and Judy will be leaving early today. Haran was surprisingly awake considering he didn’t get to bed until 2:00 a.m. due to his work in Iringa Town. Edward visited us and invited us to his house on Sunday to celebrate his daughter’s graduation from the Pommern Secondary School.

Judy, Mary, and Joana worked at the clinic. The work was as difficult as pulling teeth – which was what they did. Erin, Matt, Dave, and Joe continued their construction work. They moved bricks, cleaned, and painted. Dave coached soccer in the late afternoon. Ha worked in the kindergarten in the morning and spent some time at the clinic in the afternoon. Sharon worked at the kindergarten and taught seminarians.

After lunch all but Mickey and I went with Mama Toni to observe a funeral. Unfortunately, it was over before they walked very far. Mickey typed a gazillion grades into the computer in the morning and worked with Mama Lenny in the afternoon with the sewing class. I taught four form IV chemistry students how to balance equations. After tea, I helped a student named Christopher learn how to type on the computer. He improved from 1 word per minute to 4 wpm. In the afternoon, I fixed the EXCEL programs that Mickey was typing to have the proper formats. This is the first time the grades were put on the computer. Next year they can copy the programs and put in new names and grades. I then prepared for my last meeting with the Form III chemistry students.

After dinner we had Mama Toni and Mohamed take group pictures of us out on the front steps. After the generator died prematurely (surprise), we said our fond farewells to Dave and Judy. They left at 6:02 a.m. Obviously, they were not on African time!
